Make Stress the Key to Success: Top Tips for Students

Carrie Starbuck
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2016

As someone who has worked with thousands of students to help them prepare for exams, I am now increasingly seeing that the number one issue is students struggling with stress

Stress is the body’s natural reaction to facing change. Stress happens everyday and in many ways. It can happen when stuck in traffic, while arguing with friends or family, when learning something new, and even during exams! Stress is a big part of life and can be helpful, but too much can be damaging for your health.

Stress can be good thing as it motivates us, but too much can be harmful.

Stress is a challenge that we all face and will continue to do so throughout our lives. It is important to learn how to turn your stress into a useful tool.

In today’s world there are lots of different pressures to deal with, whether it is school, social networking or self-esteem. Here are top tips to deal with each one:


A massive 73% of 15-year-old girls and 52% of boys in England feel under constant pressure from schoolwork according to the World Health Organisation.

1. Be organised — Rushing around, missing deadlines and forgetting important books or notes, all pile on the pressure. Plan ahead, create a timetable, set alerts and reminders on your phone, and pack your bag the night before.

2. Set a goal to complete everyday — this can start with something small and grow into a larger goal!

3. Study smart — studying every waking moment is not effective. Work in short, sharp bursts, give yourself plenty of breaks and spice things up with creative memory techniques.

4. Choose your friends — surround yourself with like — minded, positive, supportive people. You deserve nothing less.

Self — Esteem

Our teenage years are a time for discovering the person you want to be, so having constant pressure to look ‘perfect’ and be ‘perfect’ just adds to the stress.

1. Who wants to be perfect? How dull. Celebrate being you!

2. Set yourself a ‘Skill Success’ each week where you aim to tackle a new skill you have not mastered YET!

3. Have a mantra — I am a worthy, confident, kind, beautiful being. Anything that makes you stand tall. My personal favourite? Feel the fear, do it anyway!

4. Exercise for 30 minutes a day to release your happy hormones.

Social Media

FOMO is real! We are becoming more stressed at the ‘fear of missing out’ and are under massive pressure to stay connected 24/7.

1. Be in the now — enjoy the moment rather than worrying about how this will look on instagram or snapchat.

2. Be positive — social media can be a wonderful, motivational space. Follow positive people, share positive things, be part of the positivity!

3. Take part in the #100happydays challenge. It encourages you to take a moment to think of what made you happy today, from a nice cup of tea in your favourite mug to spending time with friends. Use the hashtag!

4. Take a break — life as seen online isn’t always true. Those happy, beautiful people are probably having a tough time too. Be kind to yourself, take a break.

Remember, you are never alone. If you ever find yourself overwhelmed then talk to someone you trust. If not, then you can call the following:



0800 1111


Helpline: 116 123


Teen Line


TEXT TEEN to 839863

About the author

Carrie Starbuck is a former teacher, political advisor and Managing Director of Learning Performance the UK’s largest study skills organisation. For more help managing stress download Make Stress The Key To Your Success guide here.



Carrie Starbuck
Ascent Publication

Managing Director of @LPerformance, Governor of @PhilipHowardCHS Mentor with @TheGirlsNet Once a teacher, always a teacher!