How to balance heart and mind.

Mastering “Negative” Thoughts and Emotions

Or, name it to tame it.

Published in
6 min readJan 11, 2020


We have this tendency to treat negative emotions like hot potatoes.

Once they arise, we try everything to drop them by distracting ourselves in various unhelpful behaviors, such as heavy social media consumption, binge eating, excessive partying, and so on.

What all of these behaviors have in common is they only cover up our unsolved sides. As you are reading this, I assume, you want to make a sustainable change, now.

After running 15+ meditation meetups in the last four months on self-discovery and personal development, I want to share with you some learnings and steps to take for overcoming negative thoughts and emotions.

In the end, there is not even such thing as “negative” thoughts and emotions. They are just guides, telling us that a change in our life is needed. We just have to pay close attention and take action to grow through them.

First, let us start with the driver of most if not all emotions.

Insecurity — The Mother of All

Let’s start with a general truth. Insecurity has always been part of human life.

Trace it back a couple of thousand, even a couple of hundred years ago, life was very insecure in…

