“Meeting you is the highlight of my weekend”

Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2018
Larry and me

Has anyone ever told you that? Ever? Me neither — until today. Larry mentioned that in passing as I was leaving after meeting him at Costco. Let me back up as I can see dazed stares and the itch to leave this page in favor of watching the reviews for Black Panther are high. Larry was the caretaker of my building of my ex-employer — HyTrust — and I got to know him pretty well over the two years I was there. In fact, I first wrote about him here — “Who is the Larry in your life”?. His ready smile and easygoing personality endeared him to me and a few others, for a majority of folks he may have existed in passing but not enough to cause them to pause their busy lives and acknowledge his presence by engaging in dialog. As a Costco regular, I ran into him a few times at the Mountain View location where he worked weekends to make ends meet. And when I decided to leave full-time employment at HyTrust to follow my Ikigai, Larry was one of the people I knew I would miss a lot. And I did. How is that for a long-drawn-out backdrop. Brevity has never been my forte!

Fast forward to today, Sunday, as I was driving down US highway 101 after dropping my wife at SFO when I suddenly realized that I would be whizzing past the Mountain View location of Costco — and Larry worked there Sundays (or used to at least). What if I did a pit stop — and I might just run into Larry — who I had not met in months. And then logic intervened. It was late for lunch, there were important activities that I had to attend to back at home. But the thought of meeting Larry — however slim the odds — was too overpowering. So, I took the Rengstroff exit and after fighting for parking with irate parents and NASCAR wannabes, I went on a Larry hunt. I spied him before he noticed me and a huge grin broke out. We grabbed hands, the world around us ceased to exist for those few minutes that we talked. Just like old times. Me chiding him for not wearing a helmet while riding his bike. And he reminiscing about me stopping by every day to say hello to him. And a few selfies later we parted ways.

And while I started to leave he said — “Meeting you is the highlight of my weekend”. That to me was worth more than anything else in the world. Just a small positive something in someone else’s life. Granted — I am not a Mother Teresa. Far from it. I am as self-centered and vain as they come — ‘Likes’ and ‘Comments’ are my lifelines! But I have also changed — just a bit. Where others’ feelings are more important than before and my small effort to make their lives better makes me feel more fulfilled. I could have easily continued down 101 without missing a heartbeat. But I did not. And I am so glad for taking the diversion. And highlighting someone’s weekend

