Money Is Going to Fundamentally Alter in the Next 2 Years: Inclusion, Access & Equality Are Coming

Jack Dorsey has figured out the biggest problem with money and he’s fixing it.

Tim Denning
Ascent Publication
Published in
7 min readDec 10, 2020


Picture by John Holcroft

The biggest problem with money is it’s racist.

Society goes crazy over human rights, privacy, a virus, and recessions. Yet, most people don’t say boo about the fact the money system that is currently in use deliberately excludes entire races. It blows my mind.

I had no idea about the problem with money when I worked in a bank. It was only when I started trying to serve customers in different parts of Asia Pacific that my eyes were opened.

31% of the world doesn’t have access to a bank account.
59% of the world has access to the internet.

Many poorer countries use their mobile phone account as a way to receive money. The world’s banking system in technologically advanced countries is known as Swift.

Swift enables racism.

Powerful nations can screw over smaller emerging nations by denying them access to Swift, thus denying them access to the current money system. If your country isn’t liked it can be switched off like a light, by blocking access to Swift. It has been happening…



Tim Denning
Ascent Publication

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