Morning Routine Ideas To Start Your Day Off Right

Hey there, sun. Nice to see you again.

Corey Fradin
Ascent Publication
Published in
11 min readFeb 4, 2020


Tired of being tired? Of feeling like you’re wasting your morning and, in turn, wasting your day? You need to revamp your morning routine! And good news. I have just the thing you need — morning routine ideas that you can use to do more with your mornings.

Ah, morning routine ideas…

There are a seemingly endless supply of them that you can implement to become your best self. To help set your day up in a deliberate manner so that you can do more, achieve more, and be more.

But, the annoying thing is that some ideas will work better for you than others.

Meaning that waking up each morning and walking the dog is a perfect way to start the day for one person, but that same routine won’t necessarily work for you.

You don’t even have a dog! *Maybe you do, I’m just making a point.

Check my email

I wake up each day at 6:15AM. As soon as I wake up, I set a timer on my phone for five minutes. And for those five minutes, all I do is check my email.


Yep. And I know, I know. Everyone says that you should never check your email first…

