My 10 Principles for the Next 10 Years

Better than goals alone, these will guide and help form my decisions and vision for the life I want to lead and live

Gregory D. Welch
Ascent Publication


Photo by Shirly Niv Marton on Unsplash

At the start of the year, I sat down with the idea I’d carve out very specific goals, that I would make New Year’s resolutions like the masses, and I’d break them by the second or third week of January.

Except I didn’t make them to start with. This is the second year in a row of not making formal resolutions, and I think I’m better off for it. That said, I do lay out a loose map for where I want to be in the following year. Loose because I don’t like too many rules strangling my ability to adapt, change, get ahead of things that aren’t working.

The dawn of a decade

Throw in the closing of a decade, the dawn of a new one and all of a sudden I had to reconsider some of my strategy. So, I became pretty anxious, to be honest, I felt overwhelmed. Ten years is a lot of change, a lot of potential. It’s sacred, all that potential time. Potential because no moment is promised, and I get that. But, I feel like I owe it to the future me to put forward the effort to grow into the person I want to be. Growth, progress, looking ahead and planning out strategy and tactics, these are my natural pulls. What I…



Gregory D. Welch
Ascent Publication

I Ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for Innovative Founders & Digital Marketers going from Analog to Augmented Content | AI Strategist & Ghostwriter