My 10 Simple Rules For a Good Life

They guide my actions and help with focus and clarity.

Anthony J. Yeung
Ascent Publication


Fortunately, a “good life” doesn’t require an 8-figure business, a mansion, and a sports car (although they don’t hurt).

To me, a “good life” means a lifestyle you enjoy, work that fulfills you, and the freedom to make the most of your life without being restrained by others.

Here are the simple rules I follow to live a good life: They guide my actions, eliminate uncertainty, and create focus and clarity. I hope they inspire you to live a good life too:

Put your “big rocks” first.

“Success isn’t that difficult; it merely involves taking twenty steps in a singular direction. Most people take one step in twenty directions.”

— Dr. Benjamin Hardy

The key to a good life is discovering what’s most important to you, focusing your time and energy there, and making progress on those priorities.

Many people, however, are afraid of closing options, even if those options aren’t urgent or important. But because they never make a commitment, they’ll struggle to get the results they want.



Anthony J. Yeung
Ascent Publication

Seen in Esquire, GQ, & Men's Health. Founder. Full-time traveler (4.5 years & counting). Upgrade your life w/ my 5 life hacks→