My Battle To Be Consistent

I’ve become consistently inconsistent so it’s time to find out why.

Darren Matthews
Ascent Publication


I like to think I’m not stupid.

That I have at least a crumb of intelligence, to see me through my time on this planet. My goal? To live a successful and happy life like everyone else. To help me achieve this I’ve learnt about consistency, along with the art of building habits — so I know what it takes.

Well, I thought I did.

You see, I have had periods of my life where I have built some good habits, and achieved consistency. Those good habits have helped me lose weight, gain job promotions and recently become a writer. The underlying behaviour in the success I had, well that came from doing the right things. I wasn’t only doing the right things, I was doing them day after day after day.

But, for reasons, I can’t quite put my finger on, I’ve stopped being consistent. My efforts to create good habits seemingly at an end lost to the failure of completion.

Consistency Equals Success

I’ve seen success in others.

The rewards of consistent behaviour, of deliberate practice which compounds towards glory — I’ve seen it in myself as well.



Darren Matthews
Ascent Publication

Following my curiosity — which is decision-making — and sharing what I learn along the way