My Best Friend of 5 Years Abandoned Me at My Worst

Here’s what that taught me about life, struggles, and friendship.

Margaret Pan
Ascent Publication


Socializing has never been my strong suit. Ever since I can remember myself I’ve struggled with meeting new people, going to parties or any kind of large gatherings, or opening up to strangers.

It’s not that I dislike interacting with people, but I don’t love it either. I believe that throughout our lives we might meet dozens of people, but only a few of them really fit us. There’s only a handful of people we can really connect with.

That’s why, whenever I found a person I felt matched my personality and my soul, I held on to them tight. As the years passed, I ended up forming four longtime, meaningful friendships.

Well, I guess the number has gone down to three now.

That’s because last year, my best friend of five years abandoned me. But not at any time — at my worst. She stopped talking to me at a time of my life where I had hit rock bottom and I was dealing with sickness, anxiety, and depression.

But, as cliché as it sounds, it’s always the bad and ugly things that happen to us that make us truly learn and grow.

This whole experience made me a different person. Better? Maybe. Wiser? Definitely. I…



Margaret Pan
Ascent Publication

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: Newsletter + more: