My Crazy Goals for 2020 — Too Much or Just Right?

Will this Jack of all trades forever fail at mastery?

Alex Tucker
Ascent Publication


I know that “shiny new thing syndrome” is a perpetual problem for many people.

We see a new product, we want it.

We hear about a new service, and we need it.

We discover value in a new skill and feel obligated to develop a minimum competency in it. Right? Well… I do.

When I was younger, before my traumatic brain injury, I was much more specialized. I practiced mixed martial arts, and I wrote fiction. I didn’t do much else other than party and have great sex.

These days I don’t have much sex at all, but I do blog about it. I blog about lots of things, and I’m a marketer, and I write fiction, and I’m learning to code apps and websites, and I know SEO, and… well, the list goes on. I’m not particularly brilliant at any one of these things, but I’m not terrible at any of them.

I’m a true Jack of all trades, and I think I finally figured out what that means for my future.

At age 31, I actually know what I want to be when I grow up.

I want to be a serialpreneur.

Don’t get me wrong… I don’t ever intend to stop running my first marketing/writing business…



Alex Tucker
Ascent Publication

Finding passion amidst the pain, creating content for your brain. — my posts may contain affiliate/referral links.