Thomas Ma
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2017

I’m sure at some point in your life you’ve made a mistake.

If your background doesn’t scream success, don’t let it decide who you are as a person. Know that a lot of people out there don’t care about your failure. All they care about is what you can do for them TODAY, and the FUTURE.

Here are three pieces of advice that I have for those who may be going through failure:

Don’t wait for opportunities

If you aren’t getting opportunities, you have to go out and find them.

There aren’t any services that will deliver opportunities your way.

Find a way to get in front of people, and make sure that you execute when it matters. You never know when an opportunity will present itself.

As mentioned, I’ve been rejected from everything that I’d like to be apart of. Rather than sit and do nothing, I decided to do something about it.

I’m hosting my first event next Tuesday because I can’t land a speaking engagement. I write because other people don’t care about who I am. When I reach out to people, most ignore my email or tell me that they aren’t interested.

Smile :)

When you meet people, show them how great of a person you are. Your personality is something that no one can take away from.

People will do business with people that they like.

Be scrappy

Don’t let money be an excuse for why you can’t get into an event. You can always email the host and see if you can offer them value…. Or if you’re extreme you can always sneak into an event.

If you can’t sneak into a major event, you can always meet people who attend. Find random FB groups and see if you can hangout with the attendees. Most are friendly!!!!

Hope this helps for someone who is trying to hustle. Know that the storms will pass even if it looks like you’re stuck in a hole. That’s what I tell myself every day :)

Feel free to reach out to me here



Thomas Ma
Ascent Publication

Co-Founder of Sapphire Apps Media | 26 | Los Angeles