No One Listens to the Quietly Successful Entrepreneur

Sorry, I’m not going to glamorize my entrepreneurial journey.

Gillian Sisley
Ascent Publication


I realized early on that Medium wasn’t interested in my quiet style of entrepreneurship.

When I first jumped into Medium, I had the intention to publish articles about 2 specific topics: writing, and entrepreneurship. Two subjects I’m qualified in and felt I could authentically write for Medium readers.

As a social media marketer, I also care about the data and stats. Mine were showing that:

  • My articles about writing were performing well
  • People really responded to my personal stories about sexual assault, womanhood and consent
  • My entrepreneurial articles weren’t doing so well

My fiancé and I were at a fancy restaurant just last week to celebrate our 3-year anniversary of dating. We’re 6 months from our wedding day, but despite our tight budget as we save up for the big day, we decided to splurge on a romantic dinner.

Over candle-light, I watched my fiancé eat his panko-crusted parmesan salmon. I twirled some noodles around my fork, trying to catch a stubborn chunk of chicken at the end of my fork’s prong.



Gillian Sisley
Ascent Publication

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨