Nothing Has Meaning Except The Meaning We Give It

Stop creating something out of nothing

Tuseet Jha
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2018


“A man who suffers before it is necessary suffers more than necessary” ~ Seneca

I have never been an emotional kind of a guy. I don’t have the ability to read between the lines, which is why I am bad at recognizing the signs.

I experience something mind-blowing, I move on.

I commit a mistake, I move on

I fail at something, I move on.

I have a hard time attaching meaning in life to things or events. I am going to be happy for you if you have achieved something ‘meaningful’ in life. I will come to celebrate with you. I will even throw a party for you!

But I will also move on the very next day.

The meaning we link to something decides our actions and emotions. Meanings are unique to every individual as most of it comes from past experiences — good and bad, from fears, from our goals, and from our successes.

Happiness for me means just doing things that make me happy! But that might not necessarily be the case for you.



Tuseet Jha
Ascent Publication

I write about Happiness, Productivity and Minimalism | | I write a weekly newsletter on Happiness: