One Hundred and Eighty Pounds Ago

A mental and physical transformation.

Dan Cadmus
Ascent Publication


2015 vs. 2019 Same goofy smile.

Whether it’s the growing popularity of platforms like Medium and podcasting, or just a symptom of the times, there appears to be a drastic increase in the demand for self-help advice. And certainly no shortage of people looking to provide it. Throw a rock in any direction, and you’re likely to hit someone promoting or recommending a self-help book.

With so much information and so many options to choose from, figuring out where to start can sometimes be more daunting than the improvement process itself. In my case, it certainly felt that way.

I don’t consider myself to be some sort of self-help guru like Tony Robbins. A leadership expert like Jocko Willink, or an iron-willed maniac, running 200-mile races like David Goggins. I am none of those things. What I am is someone who knows how it feels to want to change desperately.

Honestly, aside from a few unique life experiences, I consider myself just about as average as it gets — an everyday guy with typical problems, thoughts, feelings, and pitfalls. So, chances are, whatever you may be going through, I’ve been there.

I’m certainly not reinventing the wheel here. Instead, this article outlines my journey of self-improvement. Applying the different concepts I’ve picked up…



Dan Cadmus
Ascent Publication

Health Coach. Nutrition, mental health, and self-improvement. Dropped 180lbs & changed my life for the better. Inspired to help you do the same.