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Only You Can Smile On Your Deathbed If You’re Smiling Right Now

We are missing the most important part of life — living right now, right here.

Hardik Mangukiya
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2019


You’re spending most of the time thinking about the future. “What will happen tomorrow? Is she loves me? When I’ll get a good job?” And a series of an endless loop of thoughts.

While worrying, we are missing the most important part of life — living right now, right here. Your friends are cheering up. Your children are growing. Your wife wants your attention and time. Don’t you feel it?

I know you want to live in a present moment. But fear of uncertainty is holding you back. So, you’re trying to control everything at once. You’re waiting for that special day. Then you’ll start doing what you love. That’s what you’re thinking, right?

We all know the reality. Nothing comes with you, not your money, your loved ones, your thoughts, your emotions. Your experience, however you live, positive or negative, will dissipate one day.

Then would you think you’ll die smiling? it depends on you’re living your life right now or not.

How can you smile in the phase of uncertainty?

It’s easy to fall in the trap of controlling everything. You’re working hard to achieve your goals.

And you know what happens? When you achieve any of your goals. You move to the next one. You’re waiting for a life partner, and once you get married, you want kids. It’s a never-ending loop.

Why do we do this? You don’t feel grateful, and that’s why you think something will make you happy. You don’t want to be alone, and that’s why you want someone.

Indirectly, you seek happiness in externals. And the sad thing is, you believe it makes you smile on your deathbed. With the blink of an eye, you’ll reach at the end. Thinking “what I have done in my life?”

That’s why living is essential. If you plan and overthink, something still not goes same. You still have uncertainty. It never ends.

To create a thriving life, learn how to live. Right now. With yourself. Not depending on people or situation. John Lennon put it best. “Life is what’s happening while we are busy making other plans.”

You don’t need anything to smile.

You want to be successful or happy like others. When you see people are doing great. They look perfect. They have confident faces and warm handshakes. They have Mercedes and Lamborghini. You’re naturally drawn to them. You think your life will be changed if you have this.

And that’s all necessary. But for now, you don’t have enough resources. Than what? You work hard, right?

But if you get everything, still you can only be happy if you feel like it. I know some people who have millions of dollars, but still, they aren’t grateful. They are studying in reputed colleges. Their partners are loving, and they have really warm relationships. Still, they complain all the time.

A few days ago, I watched a video of Ethiopia. I saw children who have no clothes, no hygienic food, no support. They are homeless. And they all have the same diseases called Kwashiorkor. It happens because of a lack of protein. They live in 45'C temperature. It’s the worst human condition in modern society. For God’s grace, they all are playing with an innocent smile. You may have sympathy for them, but they aren’t that serious about life.

Your daily ritual of smiling will multiply.

In six years of friendship, my friend and I have done small acts of kindness for each other. Sometimes, she calls me middle of the night to share her problem. I listened to her without giving an opinion. Sometimes, she helps me to solve my miseries.

Your memories, efforts, experiences and small acts will pay dividends with time.

Living doesn’t mean 60-second pleasure. Living means to feel the present. When you live, you get involved at the moment. When you write. You love the process of writing, you aren’t thinking about other writers. When you’re in the negative mood, still you aren’t trying to change the situation. You live with the flow. Instead of judging, You’re accepting life.

It’s all about how you want to smile.

“What’s in my life I’m grateful for?” I ask myself time to time. I feel miserable sometimes. But nothing stops me from smiling with what I have.

I try to be as simple as possible. I always keep my cup empty. I don’t need more and more. Instead, what I expect is quality in everything. Meaningful relationships, enough money, life-changing books, and adventurous experiences.

Do something for yourself every day that’s you value. Want to make millions? Start by making $50 and appreciate it. Want to read books? Read one chapter you love. That’s where you feel deeply involved.

When I was in the first year of college, I wanted to be a clinical psychologist. But with time, I realized I was chasing the wrong thing. I lacked living. I quit my goal and choose to be a writer that I can help people to create a thriving life. I feel excited to write, read and create ideas to share. No matter the small portion of people are reading. I’m happy with it.

Most people believe living in the present moment means to enjoy right now without thinking about the future. No, living means to involve, engage and feel the moment deeply. You don’t have to get distracted in other things that aren’t part of the moment. Suppose you’re with your spouse and you’re thinking about tomorrow. It’s not the part of the moment.

Go with the flow. It’s the easiest way to live.

We don’t like something every time. And we try to fulfill the gap. But when we fail, we complain. We are constantly living in this phase. And with time, it develops the controlling personality.

It’s the least effective way to create a happier life. How many things in your life can you control? Very few. Right? You can’t control people, business, money, not even your career completely. Then why are you trying so hard?

Instead, see your life as a flow. When you stop trying to control every small happening, your expectations will be lessened.

Would you think you’re successful with a million-dollar job? And if you think so, you have a limited view of success. Compare it with the CEO of Google, and you’ll be miserable. That’s the reality. No matter whatever you have, you still feel miserable when you see a better person than you.

I’m not trying to make you miserable for yourself. I’m trying to tell you that no matter whatever you do on here is really that doesn’t matter. So think beyond life. What can you do beyond it?

Which things you can keep doing beyond your death?

Answer yourself. Because in the infinite universe, the only thing that makes you smile is what you love to do after lives to come. And even you’ll die doing this one thing. Still, you smile on the deathbed.

What can you do? to live the moment, till deathbed?



Hardik Mangukiya
Ascent Publication

Big believer in Positive Psychology, writing about productive and thriving life.