Opening Up About Having Asperger’s Syndrome…

Michael Goltz
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2018
Me in Las Vegas Oct 2016, smoking a cigar and drinking Patron XO Cacao Tequila.

I have known that I have Asperger’s Syndrome since Thanksgiving 2017, but suspected that I had it since August 2014. When I first realized that I had Asperger’s, I initially kept rather quiet about it. It was January before I spoke with my mom about it and I still have not brought up the subject with my dad. I asked M about her involvement with being an autism advocate in January after photographing her at a fashion show. She suggested that I should open up about it and discuss it with others. At first I was very nervous to do this. I am rather well known among photographers and in the fashion community in Pittsburgh, and I did not know how others would react to that information. I was scared that maybe it wold harm my reputation. M encouraged me and suggested that if I can touch just one persons life then it would be worth it.

In the time that I have been open about having Aspergers and bloging about it, the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. Sure there was the model who responded to me “what you are an ass and your like burgers?” when I told her that I have Aspergers during a photo shoot shortly after referring to me as “rainman” (notice that I no longer work with this woman), but for the most part people have been very supportive and encouraging of me. I have begun to heal the damaged relationship that I have with my mom by explaining my childhood through the lens of having Asperger’s. I have had numerous people reach out to me after reading a blog post to tell me about either a family member or a loved one who has Asperger’s and to either ask questions about the disorder or share their experiences with people who have it. I have reconnected with old friends who have family members who have the disorder. I have made new acquaintances who have the disorder. Even yesterday I had an old friend reach out and say that he had read my most recent post about Asperger’s and say that he has never judged me and always been my friend and then go on to say that it is heartening to him that I have come to understand my inner state.

This is all very positive stuff, but there are two projects that I have begun because of this new openness which are the most exciting developments from this openness. First off as I was explaining Asperger’s to my mom she asked me to put what I was explaining to her in writing, so that she would not misquote me when passing it on to her family. I ran this idea past M who responded that not only was this a great idea, but that she would help me write the book! M has a grown son who has Asperger’s so the book will come from the point of view of an adult who grew up with the disorder and the mother of a grown child who grew up with it. As I have talked with others about this up coming book in my daily life I have found nothing but praise and support for the project. The other very exciting and positive thing to come from talking about Asperger’s is that I have a HUGE photography project coming up with the Pittsburgh Chapter of Autism Speaks. I am not going to give the details of the project, but it is very exciting and will be very empowering to those who I will be working with. Soon I will be devoting a few speeches with Toastmaster’s to the subject. I will make sure to put them on line after I give them!

The goal with speaking up about having Asperger’s is not to draw attention to myself. I do not want anyone’s pitty or anything like that. The goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of others who either have it or suspect that they might have it. Based on the results of the past month and a half, I seem to be doing just that! As M has said to me more than once, if I can help just one person then it is all worth it!

NB: If you, a family member or a loved have Asperger’s or you think they might, feel free to reach out to me! I would love to hear from you!!!



Michael Goltz
Ascent Publication

I am an autistic artist and photographer who’s slowly working at peeling back the layers of life in order to open myself up to newer and more fluent creativity.