Our Emotions Are a Roller Coaster

And our inner talk makes it worse

Carla Tugues
Ascent Publication


Today, I broke into uncontrollable tears.

It hadn’t happened since I was pregnant, almost depressed, and lonely as cactus.

I could not control the waves of sadness that invaded my heart a few hours ago and, for the first time, I decided to embrace it.

But first, you have to know that since I was a little kid, I was taught that crying was a weakness and that I had to repress my emotions. Does this sound familiar to you?.

I am an emotional woman by birth. I can’t tell you how many times my parents (and many other adults) said to me that I should not cry. Eventually, I learned to hold my tears, but those started to accumulate inside.

When I was in the worst period of my life (yes, pregnant), I isolated myself, and nobody ever knew how broken I was. I just swallowed everything and became grumpy, unbearable and miserable.

I was a time bomb about to explode.

A couple of months after my daughter was born, I did.

That explosion (or should I say implosion?) made me question everything in my life (my supposed-self included) and I was forced to change, for good.



Carla Tugues
Ascent Publication

Writer | Designer | Eco-artist | Brain lover | Sushi hater | Life is the most precious gift. Why do we wait for our deaths if we can enjoy every second we have?