Own Your Faith

Shaina Waterhouse
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readMar 26, 2019


Christian, productivity nut, self-help enthusiast, and curious learner. On a mission to better lives and the environment. -Shaina Waterhouse

I’ve been through three different bios since joining Medium. The first bio I created was not very personal — I think it was a random quote from an author I like.

There’s nothing wrong with placing a quote in your bio, but I wanted something a little more personal. I wanted to let people know who I am and what’s important to me.

My second bio was a list of topics and causes I’m passionate about. It was similar to what I have now, but with one big difference. Christian was at the end, and I had debated briefly about including it at all.

Be Honest with Yourself and Others

Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

I was afraid of putting Christian in my bio because I didn’t want people to judge me, or my stories, based on my faith.

Religion has become such a hot button issue that merely mentioning church or God feels like a huge no-no. Especially at work or other social settings.

Keeping silent doesn't really work for me though.



Shaina Waterhouse
Ascent Publication

Curious learner, sharing stories about relationships, love, and personal development.