People Want You to Stay in Your Limits.
Break out and raise the standard.
You have an idea. You know what to do. You know what decisions you need to make.
And then you tell it to someone and they go, “Oh, okay, yeah, nice idea,” which essentially means they think you’re way out of your league.
People are weird. They want you to succeed, but not really.
People don’t like other people who aim to do better things, people who aim higher than others.
It’s uncomfortable for an average person to wrap their heads around someone else aiming to do what they haven’t even thought of in their lifetime. It makes them uneasy. It makes them feel inferior.
And so they want to pull other people down, hit them with reality.
Hardly do they realise that it’s their reality. Everyone’s is different.
Your reality might be worse than that of the person you’re telling your big idea to, and you’re trying to change it, but people just want you to stay there — stay in your limits.
If you have better standards, stick to them.
If you think you’re good at something or you could be good at something, believe that.
As much as the real world is a guide for everyone entering into it, there’s always a chance that you can take the unconventional path in life.
I’m always a big advocate of constant learning from others, but sometimes, you need to listen to yourself, what your mind is telling you, what your body is pushing you to do.
“We often dismiss our gut feeling, but it usually knows what we really want.”
If you think you deserve a better job than the current one you’re being offered, look for it. You’d be surprised by what you can find if you just search.
If you think you can write a better piece than the one you just wrote, hit Cmd + A, and delete it all.
You don’t have to settle for the societal standard. You can make your own.
Out of all the inventions and creations that got humanity where it is today, how many do you think were made by people who thought that something could be done in a better way and took a chance on it?
You don’t have to take the human race forward, just yourself. People will follow.
It only takes one person to raise the standard.
When you raise the standard, you pull people up.
Before 1954, no one in the entire human race had run a mile under 4 minutes — the 4-minute mile.
It was considered impossible. The human body wasn’t supposed to be able to go that fast.
Until Roger Bannister broke it on 6th May, 1954. He ran a mile (1609 m) in 3:59.4 minutes.
A task that was considered impossible to do by the entire human race was shattered by one guy in short shorts.
And since then, the record has been lowered by almost 17 seconds.
The record has been broken by over 20,000 people.
When someone sets better standards for others, they break the psychological barriers that stop people from achieving things they didn’t dream of.
Luckily, we’ve had a lot of brilliant people who have broken the norm before us, who have shown us that there’s always room for improvement.
Everything can be done better. Way better.
Do you feel left out just because you have better expectations of yourself?
Society makes you feel left out and alone when you try to do something in a different way.
Nobody gives you a chance because it’s different. Because it’s risky.
People don’t like seeing someone take a risk that pays off, but sure as hell do love reading and listening about it.
People are risk averse just for the fact that others will talk shit about them.
Sadly, that’s how we’ve ended up structuring our society. Make people, who do things out of the ordinary, feel left out. That way no one gets to climb out of the abyss of the ordinary.
But you don’t have to listen. You don’t have to lower down to the ordinary, to what everyone else tells you to do.
If you think you can deserve to do better and be better, don’t lose grip on that thought.
Apart from skill, practise, and talent, the one thing that makes any high achiever better than the others is their mindset.
Their staunch belief that something can be done better than it has been until then.
Until them.
Look around you, the things you see, the things you do.
Do you know what you can do better?
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The Mind Hack to Productivity and Results. ← P R E V I O U S
N E X T → A Fundamental Flaw in the Way We Think and How to Fix it.