Perfection is a Myth and the Enemy of Productivity
Perfectionists — the ultimate procrastinators
Nothing is perfect.
Nobody’s perfect.
Nowhere is perfect.
Perfection is a myth.
Imperfection is the reality of our lives.
Whatever ideas the media may try to sell us with seemingly perfect families and bodies among other things, there is no such thing as perfection.
We give ourselves such a hard time trying to be ‘perfect’ that we forget that being imperfect is who we are as people.
If we constantly beat ourselves up for not doing a work project perfectly, not having perfectly-behaved children or not having the perfect physique, we’re spending all our time criticising ourselves, when surely there are enough other people in the world to do that for us.
We need to be on our own side.
Our friends and family are. Usually. They can see the good in us. As well as the bad. And it’s that wonderful combination that makes us all human, isn’t it?
But how can perfectionism affect us?
There is a fascinating article in Medical News Today, in which Professor Paul Hewitt, professor of psychology at the…