Powerful Women and the Men Who Fear Them

Crystal Jackson
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2018


Photo by Caique Silva on Unsplash

Powerful women are a fierce force of nature. We are strong, independent, resourceful, and resilient. We take our challenges and turn them into growth opportunities, and we never quit. We’re secure in ourselves, authentic, and deeply in love with who we are as human beings, flaws and all. We support and encourage other humans, realizing that empowering others doesn’t take anything from us.

As powerful women, we often attract men for the same qualities that later repel them. In fact, it’s easy for men to say that they’re looking for a strong, empowered woman. It’s much less easy for some of these men to keep up with us when they aren’t secure in their own personal power. All of the things they proclaimed to love about us come back to haunt them, as they realize they aren’t prepared to stand strong beside us as equal partners.

Toxic, fragile masculinity is a key reason that many men are unable to maintain relationships with strong women. They want to be the alpha and have no conception of what a partnership means. While they might have been attracted to independent, authentic women, they might find later that the qualities they were hoping we would adopt include submission, compliance, and a more traditional (antiquated) role in the relationship. When those qualities don’t magically manifest themselves, the relationship begins to crumble under the…

