Prioritizing Self-Care for 10 Days

Sharing my 10-day transformation in hopes of inspiring others

Ascent Publication


Do you feel like you are on a Ferris wheel, on a ride that you cannot control, maybe even trapped in a cage where all you see are the bars surrounding you? I invite you to look up, look out and, look within.

My capacity box was full; my fulfillment box was empty. Was being the operative term.

Recognizing that I hit a wall with a thud, like a bird crashing into a window, I reached for the reset button. The beauty of this magical button, it’s right in front of you. However, its close proximity cannot be mistaken for easy-to-find.

Self-care: the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.

I challenged myself for ten days to try different forms of self-care. I am sharing what I learned in hopes of inspiring others.

Be honest — with yourself and others.

Day one’s self-care tactic: expressive writing. The discovery of expressive writing had an immediate and profound impact. Writing is an outlet for what is trapped inside. Writing allowed me to navigate and process inner thoughts that were circling inside, forming part of the wall that…



Ascent Publication

Inspired by family; passionate about community. Doing what I can to make someone else's day a little brighter.