A weird pond

Progressive Refinement

5 daily minutes to craft a craft

Israel O. Dilan Pantojas
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2017


5 Minutes

As humans our day is packed with 24 hours, 24 in which we can do whatever we like to achieve whatever goals we set, and no matter what we may think about it, that is true autonomy, it's our own choice. So think about it, are you using you time wisely? Want to achieve any goal, it all starts by taking 5 minutes and dedicating it to whatever it is you want to craft.

5 minutes a day

At the very least, take 5 minutes a day to work on your craft, use those very first 5 minutes to decide where to start. Your passion for your craft will carry you further, you might end up doing a whole hour of refinement. But you have to make that conscious decision to abandon the comfortable and dedicate those first 5 minutes to you!

5 minutes a day everyday

Don't limit yourself, you know once is not enough, your passion for your craft will push you further, but be mindful not to slip. Confidence and hard work are double edged swords, it's easy to think you've advanced enough, you've done enough, you deserve a day off, but once you slip it's hard to get back up. So don't cut corners, think about it, it's just 5 minutes a day everyday, the more time and effort you put in to it the faster you'll progress, keep the habit and your passion for your craft will drive you through.

"5 minutes a day everyday"

