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Psychotherapy is the Secret to Growing Your Self-Esteem

Building self-awareness through therapy can help you become more secure and compassionate.

Amanda Robins
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2020


It was the one relationship I neglected for much of my life. I didn’t even realize that my self-esteem was a problem because I didn’t spend much time thinking about it.

While I was busy looking everywhere else for answers to my problems, I kept making the same mistakes, following the same patterns, and, unsurprisingly, getting similar results.

It was like I was stuck in a fishbowl with extremely toxic water, but I couldn’t tell, because that was all I knew. My therapist allowed me to understand more about my assumptions and how these were playing out in my social relationships. But it wasn’t really about other people, it was about me.

It took me a long time to understand the reality of my relationship with myself and how that affected pretty much everything. I was so used to acting from a base of low self-worth that I couldn’t recognize what was wrong or how to change it. Every interaction was, at base, a reflection of how I felt about myself. And that wasn’t pretty.

With the help of my therapist, I recognized how judgemental I was.

I had an extremely harsh inner…



Amanda Robins
Ascent Publication

Writer, artist, psychotherapist & seeker of the Snitch. Download my free ebook here: