Feeling Uncomfortable? Good. Use This Trigger to Expand Your Life

How to utilize any external event as a pathway to wisdom


Photo by Amadej Tauses on Unsplash

I’ve been living abroad for over 10 years, and my parents remain across the ocean. When I last visited them over a year ago, it hit me that given our living arrangements, I might not see them that much before they pass. This thought emerged as something obvious: people get old, people die, and that includes my parents.

Until Covid-19 came up, and I felt in my heart that I might never see my parents again. On that day, as I was meditating, I was taken to sobs and tears. What was only on a mental level before, finally got embodied. It was a crucial shift that allowed me to get in touch with my real emotions; a shake that only happened because an event triggered something in me.

Good thing there are triggers.

One Person, Two Worlds

We live in two worlds. The inner world contains the likes of our dreams, beliefs, values, and feelings. Then there is the outside world, full of beauty, work to do, people to meet, and places to visit. The outside world is an infinite source of events, forever changing and triggering our inner worlds. Can we live based on our values when faced with adversity? Are we going to pursue our dreams when…



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
Ascent Publication

Life's not a hustle: I help you live your purpose with clarity, love & well-being. Watch Free Class 'Live from the Heart': alineram.com/live-from-the-heart