Quantum Physics: The Bridge Between Science and Religion?

A discussion on Truth and God

Viva Amor
Ascent Publication


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I was first introduced to quantum physics through What the Bleep Do We Know!?, a 2004 hybrid film and documentary that seeks to explain the connections between science and spirituality.

Living (and freezing) in Boston, I tried to find comfort amidst my weekly existential crises and I remembered the film recommendation from before. In my eight layers of warmth, I waddled down to the local library to check out the three-DVD set. As I walked back to my overly priced apartment, I had no idea that my life was about to change forever.

This journey down the rabbit hole, as the film suggests, started my obsession of discovering more about consciousness. Weighed down with books, I made it my mission to learn more about these mind-blowing concepts introduced in the film.

I also thought it prudent to go the other way and study religion. I wanted a full spectrum perspective. I studied the Bible and converted back to Christianity after years of separating from the Catholic Church. In hopes of finding “the answer,” I was baptized and started to do missionary work in Thailand.

I had no idea that my life was about to change forever.

