Quitting These 6 Habits Helped Me Create a Life I Genuinely Enjoy

Avoiding them might help you take your life to the next level too.

Sinem Günel
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readFeb 2, 2021


Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

We all know that our daily activities determine our future. However, most people ignore this basic rule for too long and live as if there’s no tomorrow.

They spend money they don’t have, consume foods and drinks that harm their mental and physical health, invest in toxic relationships, and end up feeling exhausted.

And the reality is that something you occasionally do won’t fundamentally change your life. A night out, a cheesy slice of pizza, skipping the gym for a few days… there’s no point in feeling guilty for these things as long as they happen occasionally.

But it makes sense to keep these things at a minimum to create a life you genuinely enjoy.

Quite often, success is not about all the extraordinary habits you build but about the guilty pleasures or toxic activities you avoid.

Even though eliminating destructive habits isn’t easy, it’s worth it.

Don’t let others mess with your priorities.

I discovered the world of personal development when I was 19 years old. Until then, I was trying to be everybody’s darling…

