Resonating with your work

Mike Daskalov
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2017

Or being excited with every accord you strike!

How often are we excited by what we do on a daily basis? Very few people are as lucky to work and get paid for doing their hobby! However, even then our fire dies eventually and we wonder where did that feeling deep inside go?

If you have experienced this feeling before, you can never confuse it with anything else. That gut feeling of resonating with something or someone, the unmistakable sign of being on the right track. This physical emotion we feel accompanying success or the sight of achievement is a feeling we long for and search often in our life, be that in professional or personal aspect. Being one with what you do and what you have dedicated your energy and time is as important as living and breathing!

Harmonising with your work is a difficult task, especially if we are constantly crushed by stress and deadlines.

A thousand small pebbles can tip the car over

There is a lot of wisdom in this folk saying as a thousand small issues and petty problems can take away your connection to what you do and push you off balance. Being in harmony with our daily life is of course to do with our inner piece, but I believe searching for that excitement of striking an accord will get us closer and closer to being passionate in our work.

I used to play guitar in a band, I don’t any more and don’t think I will anytime soon (who knows?), but I keep one thing close to my heart, I remember the feeling of each time we would all synchronise while playing and the chills that passed through my body. That sweet moment when the new song we are working on is being played by everyone for the first time. That is when you are vibrating on the same level as your work and your colleagues. Everyone is doing their part and it all comes together, if it is planned and done well, the result will be chilling! This can be applied to all kinds of collaborative work.

I wanted to take this small musical experience of mine and apply it to my daily life, because hitting an accord shows us when we are in harmony, something we would always search for when working, especially when working in a team. Not only this gives us satisfaction from the process, but it can be used as a guiding star that we are on the right track in our work — creatively and collaboratively.

I used to think that this feeling was only for the special occasions in life, however I found that in searching for harmony, one will find accord with his surroundings. This keeps my passion for doing a great job ignited, helping me ignore the small “pebbles” on the road.

Thank you for reading my friends,


