Security Is an Illusion and Other Lessons From 2020

Take these lessons into 2021.

Zed Bee
Ascent Publication


Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash

2020 hit differently in a way that was truly unique. The buzzword of the year has to be unprecedented, as in, we used the word an unprecedented amount over the last 12 months. But with all the time spent indoors, there was ample opportunity for introspection and reflection. These are some of my insights from the year of COVID.

Security is an illusion.

2020 showed how exposed and vulnerable we are as humans. It didn’t take much to tip the balance between order and chaos. Our routines were interrupted and for a time the only constant was confusion. Many people lost their jobs and others had to work harder for fear of losing theirs. The promised stability of a 9 to 5 wiped out in moments. When this is all over will we be able to trust the traditional career path again?

You never really know what’s coming round the corner.

It’s kind of hard to make plans when you don’t know what may be happening next week, talk less of a few months away. Perpetual lockdowns, guidance continuously changing, boundaries shifting and shoddy government handling are what we have now. That as well as SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and vitamin D deficiency.



Zed Bee
Ascent Publication

I like to think. And I like to write. Join my email list for more insights, breakdowns, and interesting ideas 👉