Self-Mastery Starts with the Fundamentals
I learned how to steal back time…
On the surface, I could say that it boils down to waking up early — really early, rising at 5 AM — but that’s just the beginning.
The truth is that I learned how to use time properly: to my advantage, actively, with planned intention.
The result? — exponentially increased results.
With recent business troubles and stress from a pending divorce, I knew something needed to change.
So I started with my mornings, deciding that I would wake up super early to be insanely productive. What a great plan! (my attitude the night before).
On the first morning, the internal dialogue began as follows:
Great, I did it! I’m awake. Jesus, this is early. I feel like shit… What do I do now? Is it too early to be productive? Maybe I’ll go back to sleep. Yeah, that sounds good… This is stupid anyway. It’s too dark. Aren’t you suppose to rise with the sun, not before it???
In the past, when I had extra time, it felt like I discovered lost treasure.
Oooo goodie! I’m going to drink some beers and binge-watch Netflix. I deserve it! — genius level thoughts, working hard.