Share & Prosper

Yan Shmatnik
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2016

I cannot read minds. You probably cannot as well, so why do I bring this up? To make a point. One that claims that if you share what you know and are thinking, it’ll help you. How? Let‘s visualize…

The Door To Your Dreams

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Everything you want is behind this door, personal & work life related. You possess the key but you can’t turn it correctly. You just keep fiddling with it as you go about your life. Psst…. There’s no secret to opening that door, just a trick.

The trick is to let the person who knows how to use that key open the door for you.

Simple trick, yet often overlooked.

The Power Of Communication

We all possess value. Often that value is unknown to others for the simple fact that they are unaware. By communicating what we know and are thinking, others can become aware. More and more doors will begin to open once people become aware of your abilities, insight and character. This path will eventually lead to the opening of the “door of your dreams” or at the very least position you closer to it.

I wrote this as an exercise to start writing more, please click the little green heart if you liked it. Thank you!

