Something to Consider the Next Time You Feel Like a Bag of Bricks

Start a “When was the last time I _____?” list.

Phoenix Huber
Ascent Publication


Photo by Maria Luísa Queiroz on Unsplash

In Michelle Obama’s book Becoming, she describes the “Boot Camp” weekends she had during her time as First Lady. Every few months, she’d summon close friends to Camp David. They’d excuse themselves from their busy family and work lives with a “Sorry, everyone, I’m doing this one for me.

When was the last time you talked with a friend for hours?

When was the last time you had a day overflowing with fitness, spent in nature, or a day to do nothing but rest?

“When was the last time I _____?” is what I consider when I’m feeling like a bag of bricks. Sometimes a single step leads to the resurgence of an old good habit and it saves a part of my life.

When I was stagnant, I remembered yoga and it lent me hope.

As a depressed teen, I felt I was drenched in bad habits and uninspiring influences. But I started to remember these Wai Lana videos I used to follow as a child, and I signed up for yoga class at a local college.

Yoga became a healing spring for my mental health.



Phoenix Huber
Ascent Publication

Trans girl. Beyond-human ally. I unite with members of my species for all sentient beings. Free hug: uberpath@gmail. Feed me: