Sometimes You Have to Bake Cookies and Play with Your Dog Instead of Be Productive

Less is still more in 2021.

Ryan Porter
Ascent Publication


Photo by Marco López on Unsplash

The stock market is crashing.

My job is stealing all my time.

I still live with my parents.

How’ve you been lately?

My first blog post’s headline serves as an important reminder. A productive mindset is a burden. When work becomes an addiction, it’s an addiction. Reliance on anything is counter-intuitive, even if it’s seemingly positive.

“Sometimes I feel useless when I’m unproductive.”

It was my first blog post, please don’t judge me. I wrote it near the beginning of the pandemic. I was frustrated by things I couldn’t control. My tutoring job slowed significantly, so I made less money.

I could only play so many video games or run so many miles before feeling like I was wasting my life away.

Now I wish I had that kind of freedom. I know exactly what I’d do if I had more time on my hands. However, that’s only because I’ve experienced both sides of the coin.

I choose productivity, but sometimes, it’s better to take an adult-sized dose of generic brand chill pills. Last week, I felt mildly burnt out, and I decided to ignore my urge to…



Ryan Porter
Ascent Publication

I’ve helped generate $20 million with video marketing. Now I help solopreneurs get more leads: