Springing out of your Comfort Zone

Anirudh Jain
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2016


Fear of failure can be fatal, but this comes with the fear of one’s goal. When I talk about the fear of your goal, I am referring to the instances when we are too afraid to move forward. It is when we avoid circumstances because dealing with them is too tough. I’ve been through it, and I’m sure many others have too. I’ve avoided waking up early to do an extra workout; I’ve made the conscious decision to eat a bar of chocolate rather than a banana after leg-day. Thinking about what I could’ve achieved if I put in the extra 30 minutes in the morning or eating the right food, I noticed that I missed the positive sensations that came with these better actions. But more importantly, I realized my poor choices have been detrimental in my quest of becoming a better version of myself.

What I’m getting at is that it is important to push yourself outside your comfort zone; just like a spring, if you stretch out of your comfort zone far enough for long enough in the short term, in the long run you take that shape and become a person that is always growing in their capacities. Accepting and embracing the risk of failure or not being the best, at the opportunity to grow is a mindset that is far more successful.The fear of failure, the fear of change and transition holds us back. But from my personal experiences I have concluded that such actions result in a positive direction; the benefits may not be immediate but will occur in the long term.

There have been concrete steps I have acted on to make myself into that longer and stronger spring.Taking the first step towards your goal is the most important move, but it is also the hardest. It’s challenging to stop doing something that is easy and start putting yourself into a position you don’t want to be in, like being more social or speaking in front of large audiences. The way I fight this inaction is by keeping in mind the 3 second rule. If there’s something that you know you could be doing in your subconscious mind and you chose not to, I would apply the 3 second rule. This is when you count to 3 and just blankly start doing the task that needs to be done. For example, everyone has been through the time when your homework needs to be completed but your Facebook feed seems more interesting. Counting to 3 and brainlessly logging out of your Facebook can help you proceed to do what you really should be doing and keep you productive. After accumulating this into your everyday life I believe it would be easier to make the most out of your day.

Everyone has a goal. Everyone has something they want to improve on, I know I do. Try relating this to your goal and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone every step of the way, it could work wonders.

