Stay Active, Don’t Retire

You can have the ultimate joy in life right here, right now.

Julia Tsoi
Ascent Publication


Animation of ikigai
Source: by Belén Peña

I used to believe retirement is a life-long goal. I used to think we work hard because we need to earn enough money for retirement at 65. Imagine when we no longer need to go to the office: then we can finally have time to enjoy life — sunbathing on a little island with a glass of chill white wine in your hand. How beautiful is that?

Therefore, when my dad retired for a few months and decided to re-join the workforce, I think there was something wrong with him. I mean — why would someone bother going back to the busy, hectic working schedule instead of chilling and relaxing at home?

I have no idea at all, and neither did he bother explaining to me. Until recently, I came across the Japanese concept ikigai, which I finally understood his motivation.

“Ikagai” means “a reason for being.” This Japanese word refers to having a direction or purpose in life, making one’s life worthwhile. An individual takes spontaneous and willing actions giving them satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.

Source: The Green Bee

Follow Your Passion Regardless of…



Julia Tsoi
Ascent Publication

Design Strategist @ Ogilvy | Apple Developer Academy Alumni. Bird without legs and I would always fly high.