Stop Focusing On the Wrong Things.

Anthony Moore
Ascent Publication


Stop focusing on other people. Stay in your lane.

Don’t think about how much better they are.

Don’t think about how much prettier, smarter, funnier, or richer they are.

Stop focusing on the bad. There’s a lot of good in your life, if you’d only look around and see it. You have so much to be grateful for, and grateful people are generally much better off than ungrateful people.

Stop focusing on what you did wrong, and focus on how you can do better next time.

Stop focusing on next year. Focus on today, right now.

Stop focusing on thinking. Start focusing on doing — even if it’s not perfect. Even if it sucks right now. Done is better than perfect, for now.

Stop focusing on what you regret, and start focusing on living a life with no regrets.

Stop focusing on just surviving and focus on how to design a better life, starting today.

Stop focusing on the outcome, start focusing on the process.

Stop focusing on goals; make better systems instead. Then, your goals will be achieved automatically.

When I was 24, I was very unhappy. I was working as a telemarketer, full of stress and anxiety. I wanted to write and travel the world, but I was…



Anthony Moore
Ascent Publication

Writer for CNBC, Business Insider, Fast Company, Thought Catalog, Yahoo! Finance, and you.