Stop hiding, it’s okay to be excited about what’s going on in your life

Debbie Corrano
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2018

I have a lot of new things happening in my life right now and it gives me goosebumps out of excitement. I would love to talk nonstop about each one of them with everyone around me, from friends to my weird neighbour. Ask for opinions on Twitter. Feedback on Facebook. Spread every little new thing I learn.

I could be doing all that. But I’m not.

I have a pretty awesome life. I live anywhere I want. I take my two dogs with me. I have my own business. I’m able to change my path in a heartbeat. I’m not dependent on anyone.

I have a long list of things to be enthusiastic about. So many things and yet I hide this feeling as much as I can. I’m not even comfortable showing my excitement about some of the incredible accomplishments I am most proud of.

I even hide my own excitement about ideas I’m working hard to put out in the world.

Yesterday I came across an interview with the writer Jen Sincero that focused exactly on that. Jen is a New York Times best seller with an incredible career path that really inspired me. In this interview, she said:

“If you’re not excited, no one else is going to be”

Then it hit me.

How am I supposed to make people excited about my projects, ideas and stories when not even I am showing my own excitement? How would other people be excited about something that not even me, the one sharing it, is showing much enthusiasm about it?

I know that deep down I’m afraid some of those things might not work out. That’s why I prefer to not make a big fuss out of it. If there’s something worse than being frustrated because a goal failed, it probably is having to explain your failure to other people.

Even before I start, I’m already considering that I might fail and preparing myself for the fall.

It’s understandable.

Being out of your comfort zone is always terrifying at first. It’s the same feeling as when I arrive in an unknown country carrying nothing but a backpack and two dogs. I wanna scream out of happiness and fear all at the same time.

Instead, I just keep quiet.

It looks like some people were never taught, especially among women, that it’s okay to cherish ourselves. To celebrate our accomplishments with pride. To self-promote the hell out of the things we do and love.

We expect people to be crazy about us, our ideas and our work.

At the same time, we hide as much as we can our excitement over our own things.

As if being your own cheerleader is not something acceptable.

Guess what? It is.

You must be your biggest fan.
Otherwise, no one else will.

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Debbie Corrano
Ascent Publication

I write stories and create digital strategies for brands. Traveling the world full-time with my dogs while working remotely. Find me @debbiecorrano