Stop thinking local!

Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2017
Photographer:José Martín

Last week did I sit at a table where somebody said, that he’s considering to pursue a higher degree because somebody told him that his job will be replaced by robots in a few years.

Statements like this are driving me crazy.

Off course there would be more A.I. in our near future, that isn’t a prediction this is reality. But why is there fear of loosing your job because of that and not because of an other guy? Because it’s easier to beat that guy, was his answer. That’s not true. Behind every competitors face is a human who tries to improve himself everyday. And the same applies for the surface of a robot, behind every machine is a human who programmed it. So, actually it isn’t the robot who’s beats you, it is a guy who you never met before. But in the end it doesn’t matter if A.I or a human, the point is that you’re replaceable anyway. And it doesn’t matter if you’re shouting ‘let’s make merica great again’ or start to pass tons of laws to protect your citizens, economy doesn’t gives a damn, economy doesn’t cares about boarders. The only thing what matters for economy is if you are educated enough, specialized enough and as cheap as possible. That a company would like to afford your high price, if you are specialized and rare enough is false, Why should they? In the end do they only want to make more money, what’s very common and understandable, I mean a company is a company and not the church. To be honest, I am the first person who would replace you trough a Indian or Chinese guy who works twice as hard as you do and for even a smaller paycheck. This is how business works and not otherwise.

What can we do?

I think we just have to stop taking things for granted. It’s anyway always good to appreciate things, it will make you happier if you appreciate life. The point is, there would bee more and more people on earth, and not few are fighting for success. They are all learning and working while you sleep or go out for parties, therefore are they improving them self everyday while you hang around and get lazy. Face the reality, even if you shut the boarders from all countries with a 100 meter high wall, there are still human in the inside and if they don’t starve to death they will improve them self and steal your job. Because they are all trying the same thing as you do, they try to survive.

Wake up! Set your longest long term goal you ever did. Make it to your biggest and most important goal. And now everything what you do, should bring you a step nearer to it or leave it. There is no obstacle as boarders, language or money. Learn a new language if it’s necessary, go to live in another country and get you finance fixed. Don’t complain, start doing something about it. That’s the difference from Asians to us, they don’t take things for granted and understand how easy it is to get replaced. For instance when a Chinese is leaving his hometown for the big city in china, he is going on a way with a distance as London to Milan has or even more.

Use it as a motivation, the sooner you face the dark reality, the sooner you realize that there is no other choice, you have to chase the biggest dream you ever have had and put all effort it needs into it.

Time is changing, the market is changing, are you changing as well? If you refuse, might there is a chance you won’t fit into it anymore, like a VHS cassette.

Thanks for reading ! What’s your opinion to it? If you liked it or want that somebody else should read this, please share it and hit the heart ❤ button, it would mean a lot to me! In case you don’t agree, please leave a comment, it would be interesting to hear your opinion.

Anyway, thank you very much !


Jason is the founder of The Millennials. You can connect with him trough Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Click here to read more.



Ascent Publication

a young guy who tries to figure out life by travelling, reading books and mostly by making mistakes