Storms Don’t Last Forever

Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2018

Storms can be vicious if you allow them to be. I know, there are a lot of storms that are out of your control… But I am talking about the storms that we create ourselves.

I have created some pretty bad storms because of my thinking and my actions. I have caught myself dwelling on things that are simple out of my control.

For example:

Have you ever sat there and thought about the things that are going wrong in your life? Thinking how in the world did you allow this to happen and you think it will never end! I have thought these things. But, just like the weather… every storm has a specific season.

The Season of Triumph

Just with every bad storm and season — there is the equivalent of good storms and good seasons.

But we tend to focus on what’s going wrong, when things go wrong. But do we ever stop to think about, and give thanks when things go right? I think it’s just human nature to not give thanks when things are going really well. Maybe because deep down inside we expect them to… but we never expect crap to hit the fan, and leave us paralyzed! I have been paralyzed by my circumstances before. They literally had me balled up and wondering why is this happening to me? Why can’t I seem to get out of this storm?! Then it hits me… I created it!

But you Can Also Destroy the Storm

Just as you have created the storm through your thoughts, actions and habits — the storm can be countered by the opposite way of thinking. When I say opposite way of thinking; I mean thoughts of prosperity, abundance, positivity and happiness. When these thoughts collide with this vicious storm — it creates a boom in your favor! All bad things seem to dissipate and crumble from the power of positivity.

Storms are Meant to Strengthen Us.

I believe the more storms you encounter — the more strength you accumulate.

With each storm, comes a new challenge to overcome and walk right through. When a storm occurs, you gain the knowledge and know-how, to be more prepared next time. You’ll know to bring a rain coat next time, (metaphor of course). Create rain boots to splash in the puddles of disaster. Bring shampoo to wash your hair through life’s showers — and build a house that can never be blown down by the winds of pain. The more wisdom we get with each storm… the better our chances are for survival.

Some Storms are Meant to Drown your Enemies.

It may not be such a bad thing to have storms in your life, as they may be just watch you need to get your enemies from destroying your momentum.

When you are up to your knees in water and debris… your enemies are drowning, and can no longer give chase to your relentless pursuit to happiness and life! But sometimes we as humans, are so blinded by the obstacles in the forefront — we refuse to look behind us and see the great destruction that god has done in our lives.

Destruction meaning:

Dead habits that weigh us down. People behind us that have chose to take a different path and quit the chase because they saw there was no way they could catch you. The blown over trees that keep the enemy from making way and traction to clip your success. These are the beautiful destruction’s that I speak of.

So next time you see yourself in the middle of a storm, and see no possible way out. Just think of all the things that the storm has destroyed — but here you are, still standing tall like a rooted tree.



Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication

Christopher Taylor, is a future billionaire and entrepreneur. He has 3 children, a supportive wife; and is creating his future, day by day. Stay tuned.