How Stress Is Sabotaging You And Your Goals

Joshua Burkhart
Published in
14 min readMar 1, 2018


The Mind is Neural Chemical

When I was nineteen, a nurse came into work to give flu shots. She administered these while telling everyone about stress and its effects on the body. If there was a proselytizer for the stress effect, it was her, and it was well before Dr. Oz and others started talking about it.

At the time I thought she was crazy. She was describing an emotion, and while I knew it had a chemical basis, that didn’t seem to be enough to account for everything she was claiming, such as stress’s effects on the risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, and addiction.

In a way, I was a fan of stress. It’s what got me through my days.

I was working three jobs, taking sixteen units in one of the school’s most challenging majors, partying nearly every night and commuting an hour to most of those locations.

Stress was a way of life.

An academic procrastinator, I knew that one stressed night before a test or research paper felt like it produced better results than my classmates who had prepared and studied for weeks.

For many of us stress is as familiar as the air we breathe.

It’s the waters we swim in, and we’re used to it. In fact, if there aren’t multiple stressors occurring we…



Joshua Burkhart
Ascent Publication

Transformation coach specializing in mental health, spirituality & relationships — the way we connect to self, society & cosmos.