Swap Out Self-Sabotaging Habits For Positive Ones by Taking a Step Back

When you know the real enemy, you can choose the right tools to defeat it.

Adrienne Koziol
Ascent Publication


Photo by Pexels on Pixaby

Time to confess. I’m that annoying friend who’s usually late. It might be 2 minutes, or it might be 20. I’ve gotten better over the years, but it’s still at the “consistent” level.

Sometimes I’m actually on time or even early, but I say that with unjustified pride. It’s like saying, “Hey, look at me! I was polite today!” Sure, it’s a good thing, but it shouldn’t be an out-of-the-ordinary thing. Both are signs of respect or, at the minimum, proper social skills. No one wins a prize for that. It comes along with being a decent human being.

But, it’s a step in the right direction. It’s hard for me to even admit how annoying it is for others. I cringe while reading comments on how rude chronically late behavior is. I don’t want to be that person. But I also have an abundant supply of reasons to be late- valid ones. With nine kids, there’s always something slowing me down.

When Reality Hits Like a Brick

I try to be on time, or at least I thought I did. I was sure that I wasn’t really at fault, but, alas, my thoughts betrayed me.



Adrienne Koziol
Ascent Publication

If I felt more creative, I'd figure out a way to use up 160 words describing my life as a wife, mom, editor, and writer.