Tailor Your Habits to Make the Most of Your Time

Bradley Gilbert
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2016

We are what we do — quite a popular saying and also quite true. Our habits define us and the decisions that we make on a daily basis are what determine the direction in which we take our lives. If you are a busy person then it’s highly likely that you try your best to manage your time so that you can get the most out of your day.

Maybe you travel a lot for work or maybe you have a family and a demanding career or business that put you in a position where you have to try your best to maintain an ideal work-life balance. Regardless of your situation, with the limited time that we have in our day, it pays to make the most of that time by being as productive as possible and by managing our time wisely.

This is not always easy to do as there are factors we encounter that are out of our control but the question still remains: how do we make the most of our day? — The simple answer is that we need to tailor our habits in ways that will improve our natural productivity levels. But how? — Here are a few obvious but often neglected habits that can get you there.

1. Plan Ahead: This is probably one of, if not the most important habit to have. To stay on track, plan your day. Create a to-do list with allotted times and use it as a reminder to ensure that you get everything done within the right time frame.

2. Be Punctual: Always be early or on time for every engagement. This is not only a great habit to have but it also shows that you value your time and that of others.

3. Stay Focused: Do whatever it takes to ensure that you are focused and not distracted. It’s very easy to get distracted with social media and other easily accessible mediums but you must resist the temptation and stay focused.

4. Prioritize: Do what’s most important first then move on to the things that are secondary.

5. Get Enough Sleep: This is self-explanatory. Without going into the science of what is the ideal amount of sleep an adult should get — You should get just enough sleep so you are fully rested and ready to start your day feeling energized (this varies for everyone).

6. Repeat: Once you’ve got into a rhythm, stick to it.

As simple as they may seem, these six habits, if utilized, can seriously improve your productivity and how you manage your time. Try them for yourself and see how they work!

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