6 Questions That Can Help You Take Massive Action

Avoid analysis paralysis, get it done, and gain valuable insights for the future.

Dr. Louise Schriewer
Ascent Publication


Photo by Jason Mowry on Unsplash

I love folk singer Joan Baez’s insight that

“action is the antidote to despair.”

However, have you ever noticed that sometimes the desire to take action is what leads to despair (or at least discomfort), especially if you don’t know how to do it?

To give a personal example, this is my first week back to my regular office space after over two months and I started the day off feeling confused on what to do.

After having spent 10-ish weeks running my business while country-hopping through South East Asia (December) or practically never leaving my parents’ house in Germany (January), I couldn’t just get back to a regular working routine the second I got back to the United States.

I wanted to take massive action but I wasn’t clear on what that could look like. By asking myself one of the following questions (guess which one?), I managed to get back on the horse.

Of course, your situation might be very different to the one I was facing this morning.

That’s why my “Massive Action Framework” contains 3 distinct phases and a total of…



Dr. Louise Schriewer
Ascent Publication

Work Happiness Wizard for passionate souls & purpose-seekers. Lawyer/academic turned professional wizard (I mean, coach...). www.workyoulovecoach.com