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Gratitude has improved my life, how about you?

Kayla Dhankhar
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2019


Sunshine warms my skin and I turn my face upwards to take in the blue sky, white fluffy clouds, and the tops of the palm trees swaying just slightly in the breeze. Its incredibly hot today, and I am so grateful for this warmth and sunshine. I take a moment just to feel gratitude for this amazing weather wash over my entire body before I flip open my umbrella to protect my skin from the sun’s rays.

Gratitude is such a powerful feeling. For the rest of the day, any time I catch myself feeling less than amazing, I can replay that moment in my mind and that feeling of gratitude will come washing over me, causing me to smile, sit up straighter, and believe it or not, feel a bit more alert.

The more I practice gratitude, the more naturally it comes to me and the more small things I feel grateful for.

If you have never practiced gratitude before, you may find it useful to write down a few things you feel grateful for in a notebook just before you go to bed at night. The words you write down are not as important as how you feel remembering those things that make you grateful. Just take a few minutes to replay the scenarios in your head and enjoy the memory with true gratitude.



Kayla Dhankhar

🌟 Empowering Empaths | Energy Healer | Life Coach | Light Language Artist🌟