The 4 Best Ways to Win

Right now, more than any time in our lives, we need a better way to win.

Michael Ritoch
Ascent Publication


Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash

I fail more times than I win. I started investing for my retirement too late. I’ll probably be a greeter at Walmart when I’m eighty.

In 1997, when Amazon’s stock was $1.73, I planned to buy 1000 shares. I didn’t. Today, Amazon is selling for $2300. Don’t tell my wife.

I don’t have millions in the bank.

Sometimes I piss people off. This particular talent has caused deals to go south and made my children and friends think I can be a hard ass prick.

I don’t have a job. Read the above paragraph to understand why.

I never graduated from college.

Right now, all I’m doing is writing. And reading. Do you know what another name for a writer is? “Unemployed,” “Waiter,” or “Works at Barnes and Noble.” But everyone is unemployed now, so I’m like the rest of the world.

Neither my failures nor my successes express the entirety of my existence.

Value is more than a number in a bank account, closing a huge M&A deal, or if a piece of paper from Harvard hangs on my wall.



Michael Ritoch
Ascent Publication

Father and husband first. A thinker, writer, and sometime poet. Leadership and philosophy are my passions. —