The 6 Best Investments I’ve Made In the Past 6 Years

Spending money (or time) has boosted my health, happiness, and overall well-being.

Eva Keiffenheim
Ascent Publication


Most people argue the best investments have the highest return rate.

Looking at my net worth’s development, they’d assume I start this article sharing my crypto portfolio or the compounding benefits of my ETFs.

But the best investment returns aren’t monetary, and I won’t bore you with asset classes. Instead, I’ll show you how the right investments can increase your long-term health, happiness, and well-being.

1) $1500 for Fixing My Eating Habits

It doesn’t matter what you eat but why you eat.

No fitness-tracker, diet, or sports-program will save you if you have underlying beliefs that destroy your plans.

I fought with my body weight since 2011. In 2013, I used will-power to reach my dream weight, and yet, I knew I would eventually fall back to old patterns. I felt my body was working against me, and I wasted hours a day worrying.

What helped me the most were investments in an intuitive eating course, psilocybin therapy, and a psychotherapist.



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