The Art of Never Getting Sick

As practiced over a decade without as much as a common cold.

Schalk Cloete
Ascent Publication


Image credit: Jamie Street on Unsplash.

Want to go 3858 days (and counting) without even a hint of illness? Start by implementing these five simple steps:

1. Have a major health scare (cancer was my scare of choice)

I jest, of course, but it’s crucial to develop a burning desire for excellent health. Surviving cancer is great for building such a desire, but there are many less dramatic motivators, such as a passion for sustainable living.

2. Move to a healthy environment

This one will be tricky for many people, I know. But if it’s at all within your power, move somewhere with clean air and water, a healthy culture, easy access to nature, and the opportunity to safely cycle or walk to work.

3. Make health part of your identity

Become that guy or girl who’s always in great shape and never gets sick. If this can become an integral part of who you are, healthy actions consistent with this new self-image will start happening naturally.

4. Turn health into your main hobby

