The Art of Pulling Yourself Out of a Rut

Return to normalcy using these four easy steps.

Dan Cadmus
Ascent Publication


Photo by Urip Dunker on Unsplash

Life can be funny at times. Cruel, yes, but funny. At the very least ironic. A major league pitcher with a joker mask on, and an arsenal of pitches that would make Tim Wakefield jealous. You get used to the fastball only to have your knees buckled by a nasty 12–6 curveball.

For those not feeling the baseball references, I mean that it’s unpredictable. You get into a rhythm, things seem to be going well, and you’re hit with an unexpected obstacle.

The times I’ve found myself in a rut usually hit right after a long period of extremely high highs. The universe’s way of knocking me off my high horse a bit.

This past November was no different. The two years before were a constant upward trajectory — weight loss, career milestones, and a promotion that seemed to be guaranteed.

So, when that opportunity came crashing down, it caught me completely off guard. The result was a month-long bender of weight gain, lack of drive, and a descent into the unknown.

Between social media posts and conversations with friends and family, it’s evident these last few months have left many in a similar boat.



Dan Cadmus
Ascent Publication

Health Coach. Nutrition, mental health, and self-improvement. Dropped 180lbs & changed my life for the better. Inspired to help you do the same.