The Art of Silence: How Speaking Less Can Make You More Intelligent, Compassionate, and Successful

Are you limiting yourself by talking too much?

Michael Howkins
Ascent Publication


“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

That’s one of my favourite quotes, and it’s never far from the back of my mind. It only takes a few bus rides, a couple of walks around the city, and a trip to the local cafe to realise the universal truth of this statement.

It seems we live in a world where everyone is talking and nobody is listening. We’re all so quick to hand out sage-like advice, but we’re equally reluctant to receive it. The streets are rife with celebrity gossip, the buzz of superiority around a particular sports team, and discussions of the (perpetually) impending weather…

So, where are all these great minds? Are they secretly hiding in science labs, art studios, and forgotten libraries?

No. They’re out there amongst the gossip in the streets and the idle chatter on the bus. They’re everywhere, hidden along with great intentions and aspirations.

I believe we all have the capacity for greatness. But like the innocence, creativity…



Michael Howkins
Ascent Publication

I write for several publications, including The Startup and The Ascent. A lifelong seeker. I write about what it means to live consciously and authentically.