The Best Part About the Waking Up Meditation App

Exporting mindfulness into everyday life

Luke B.
Ascent Publication


Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash
Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

Most people have a sense that meditation would be good for them, and those that have tried it know the kind of inner peace it can promote. It can give you both the motivation and the ability to be a better person, but there is often a gap between who we are while meditating and who we become in our everyday lives.

How can we more easily integrate the meditative perspective into our personalities?

Waking Up Meditation App

I’ve written in the past about my first thirty days with the Sam Harris meditation app Waking Up, and almost one year later I am still using the app consistently. After finishing a guided meditation a few days ago, I was struck with a clearer understanding of what I appreciate most about the Waking Up app.

It wasn’t any of the extra “features” of the app — like the conversations, lessons, or the Q&A sessions — that made me so appreciative. Instead, it was the convincingly simple way that Sam helps me bring my meditative mind state into the rest of my day.

The guided meditations are different every day, and each one tends to focus on a different aspect of the practice. Most days they end with Sam saying “Thanks for taking the time to do…



Luke B.
Ascent Publication

Classical musician, passionate meditator, and co-host of the podcast and blog Exploring Kodawari.